Dr Herb Chikwanda

Bachelor’s with Honours and Master’s degrees, both in Electrical & Electronic Engineering as a double Commonwealth Scholar at Canterbury University in New Zealand. PhD in Electrical Engineering as a Beit Fellow at the Imperial College of the University of London. Advanced Executive Program diploma at UNISA School of Business Leadership in South Africa. Chartered Engineer through membership of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (UK). A member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA).

He possesses more than 25 years’ experience as a CEO, MD, senior executive and senior development engineer in publicly listed and private companies in New Zealand, Zimbabwe, the UK and South Africa. This experience, amassed across multiple industries, has engendered a strong execution capability.

A golden thread throughout his career has been his signature blend of creativity, entrepreneurial instincts and tenacity. He has been exploiting this blend since purposefully transitioning from the corporate world to focusing on his long term vision of an unconventional, purpose-built platform for specialist engineering systems technology businesses. Such businesses manifest unique complementarity in their technology and market sector niches. He has thus engaged intensely with Private Equity investment firms for a decade or so, being catalytic and pivotal to some notable acquisition deals.

He is passionate about local, regional and continental economic renewal through agency of Infrastructure, Mining and Industrial Capacity expansion.


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+27 84 222 5777


Raise Africa Investments is a black woman-owned and managed private equity firm that focuses on businesses with a proven track record.